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Predefine steps

Since 4.6.0 vitest-cucumber allowes to define step globally, useful for scenario / background with same steps.

Gherkin examples :

Feature: use predefined steps in unit tests
Given I've scenarii with same steps
And I use Rule and Feature
Scenario: scenario with docStrings
Given I use docStrings
I love DocStrings
When I run unit tests
Then I can use it
Rule: predefined steps in rule
Scenario: scenario without docStrings
Given I don't use docStrings
When I run unit tests
Then I use scenario context


In all examples with defineSteps, you can define all step types: Given, When, Then, And and But.

Currently you can define a step never used in scenario, vitest-cucumber doesn’t throw an error.

vitest-cucumber still throw an error if steps are missing in scenario and background.

Define steps globally

You can define globally, by example in vitest.setup.ts:

import { defineSteps } from "@amiceli/vitest-cucumber"
defineSteps(({ When }) => {
When('I run unit tests', () => {})

define steps in Feature

You also can define steps only for a feature :

import { defineSteps, loadFeature, describeFeature } from "@amiceli/vitest-cucumber"
const feature = await loadFeature('feature/example.feature')
describeFeature(feature, (f) => {
f.defineSteps(({ And }) => {
And('I use Rule and Feature', () => {
Given('I use docStrings', (ctx, docStrings: string) => {
// you can access on docStrings in predefined steps
expect(docStrings).toEqual('I love DocStrings')
f.Background((b) => {
b.Given("I've scenarii with same steps", () => {
f.context.init = true
// other steps, scenario, etc

define steps in Rule

To finish you can define steps for a rule :

import { defineSteps, loadFeature, describeFeature } from "@amiceli/vitest-cucumber"
const feature = await loadFeature('feature/example.feature')
defineSteps(({ When }) => {
When('I run unit tests', () => {})
describeFeature(feature, (f) => {
f.Rule('predefined steps in rule', (r) => {
r.defineSteps(({ Given }) => {
Given("I don't use docStrings"), () => {
r.context.initRule = true
r.Scenario("scenario without docStrings", (s) => {
s.Then("I use scenario context", () => {
// other steps, scenario, etc

Steps order

If you define same step in different scope, it will be overrided :

import { defineSteps, loadFeature, describeFeature } from "@amiceli/vitest-cucumber"
const feature = await loadFeature('feature/example.feature')
defineSteps(({ When }) => {
When('I run unit tests', () => {})
describeFeature(feature, (f) => {
f.defineSteps(({ When, Given }) => {
When('I run unit tests', () => {
// Will override globally defined step
Given("I don't use docStrings"), () => {})
f.Rule('predefined steps in rule', (r) => {
r.defineSteps(({ Given, Then }) => {
Given("I don't use docStrings"), () => {
// Will override globally defined in feature
Then("I use scenario context", () => {})
r.Scenario("scenario without docStrings", (s) => {
s.Then("I use scenario context", () => {
// Will override globally defined in rule

So we can define a formula for defineSteps : global < feature < rule < scenario.


With this feature vitest-cucumber provides steps order. No matter in wish order you define steps with defineSteps and/or-only in Scenario.

It will follow order in your feature file :

Feature: use predefined steps in unit tests
Given I've scenarii with same steps
And I use Rule and Feature

You can do:

f.Background((b) => {
// same in all defineSteps functions
b.And("I use Rule and Feature", () => {
b.Given("I've scenarii with same steps", () => {
b.context.init = true



They are some limits with context :

  • in globally defined steps you can’t access to Feature, Rule and Scenario context
  • in feature defined steps same for Rule and Scenario context
  • in rule defined step you can’t access to Scenario context

Step expression

In defineSteps, currently you can’t define step with expression like :

Given('I use {string} framework', () => {})

I’m checking if I can’t fix this ;).