Structure context
Since 4.5.0
, vitest-cucumber provides context in scenario, background, rule and feature.
By default is an empty object but you can override its type.
Example with context
Feature example :
Feature: Feature.context Background: Given I have a feature-background context Rule: rule with context Background: Given I have a rule-background context Scenario Outline: use scenario context Given I have a scenario context property <name> Then I can check its <value>
Examples: | name | value | | name | Toni | | fullName | Montana |
Unit tests example :
describeFeature( feature, (f: FeatureDescriibeCallbackParams<{ value: number }>) => { f.BeforeAllScenarios(() => { f.context.value = 0 }) f.BeforeEachScenario(() => { f.context.value += 1 }) f.AfterAllScenarios(() => { expect(f.context).toEqual({ value: 2 }) }) f.Background((b) => { b.Given('I have a feature-background context', () => { expect(b.context).toEqual({}) }) }) f.Rule('rule with context', (r) => { r.RuleBackground((b) => { b.Given('I have a rule-background context', () => { expect(b.context).toEqual({})
r.context.isRule = true }) type Variables = { name: string; value: string } type CustomContext = { name : string } r.RuleScenarioOutline( 'use scenario context', (s: StepTest<CustomContext>, variables) => { const v = variables as Variables s.Given( 'I have a scenario context property <name>', () => { s.context[] = v.value }, ) s.Then('I can check its <value>', () => { expect(s.context[]).toEqual(v.value) expect(r.context.isRule).toBe(true) }) }, ) }) }) },)
It can be useful if you define step out of scenario :
type AwesomeContext = { updated: boolean}
function defineGiven(steppable: StepTest<AwesomeContext>) { steppable.Given('I have a scenario context', () => { expect(steppable.context).toEqual({ updated: false, }) })}
function defineWhen(steppable: StepTest<AwesomeContext>) { steppable.When('I update scenario context', () => { steppable.context.updated = true })}
describeFeature(feature, (f) => { f.Scenario('use scenario context', (s: StepTest<AwesomeContext>) => { s.context.updated = false defineGiven(s) defineWhen(s) s.Then('I can check it', () => { expect(s.context.updated).toBe(true) }) })})