Step expressions
Since 3.5.0
vitest-cucumber provides step expressions inspired by cucumber-expression.
Feature: Background run before scenario testsScenario: scenario with expression Given I use "Vue" 3.2 Then I can't use Vue 2 And I use typescript for $2 And I can't use React, Angular, Solid
In unit tests, values are passed after test context ctx
describeFeature(feature, (f) => { f.Scenario(`scenario with expression`, (s) => { s.Given(`I use {string} {number}`, (ctx: TaskContext, framework: string, version: number) => { expect(framework).toEqual(`Vue`) expect(version).toEqual(3.2) }) s.Then(`I can't use Vue {number}`, (ctx: TaskContext, version: number) => { expect(version).toEqual(2) }) s.And(`I use typescript for {number}`, (ctx: TaskContext, num: number) => { expect(num).toEqual(2) }) s.And(`I can't use {list}`, (ctx : TaskContext, list: string[]) => { expect(list.length).toEqual(3) expect(list).toContain(`Angular`) expect(list).toContain(`React`) expect(list).toContain(`Solid`) }) })})
Built-in step expressions
Match string between quotes or double quotes
Given I use "vitest-cucumber"
Given('I use {string}', (ctx : lib : string) => { expect(string).toBe('vitest-cucumber')})
Match number with or without ,
Given I use Vue 3.2 with Astro 4
Given('Given I use Vue {number} with Astro {number}', (ctx : vue: number, astro: number) => { expect(vue).toBe(3.2) expect(astro).toBe(4)})
Removed since v4.0.0
Can be replaced with {number}
Match text and split it to array
with a separator.
Given I love Vue, Astro, Typescript
Given('I love {list}', (ctx : list: string[]) => { expect(list).toEqual([ "Vue", "Astro", "Typescript" ])})
Custom separator v4.0.0
You can use a custom separator like ;
: {list:";"}
Given I read id;name;city in CSV fileAnd I see snake_case
Given('I read {list:";"} in CSV file', (ctx : list: string[]) => { expect(list).toEqual([ "id", "name", "city" ])})And("I see {list:'_'}", (ctx, list : string[]) => { expect(list).toEqual([ "snake", "case" ])})
Match text according supported formats and return a Date
Given It's 10/25/24
Given("It's {date}", (ctx : d: Date) => { expect(d.getMonth()).toEqual(9)})
Supported formats :
Match any character in step title.
Given I Vue with nanostores
Given('I Vu{char} with n{char}nostores', (ctx : first: string, last: string) => { expect(first).toBe('e') expect(last).toBe('a')})
Match text and return number
only for integer. Use {number}
for float.
Given I use Vue 3And I use Storybook 8.2
Given("I use Vue {int}", (ctx : version: number) => { expect(version).toBe(3)})// And will failedAnd("I use Storybook {int}", () => {})
Match word in step title.
Given I Vue with nanostores
Given('I {word} with {word}', (ctx : first: string, last: string) => { expect(first).toBe('Vue') expect(last).toBe('nanostores')})
Match anything section in step title.
Given I Vue with nanostores
Given('I Vue {any}', (ctx : result: string) => { expect(result).toBe('with nanostores')})
Match any email.
Given I send mail to
Given('I send mail to {email}', (ctx : mail: string) => { expect(mail).toBe('')})
Match text and check if it equals true
Given I can code with one hand is trueAnd I can code on paper is false
Given('I can code with one hand is {boolean}', (ctx : result: boolean) => { expect(result).toBe(true)})And('I can code on {boolean} is {boolean}', (ctx : first: boolean, last: boolean) => { expect(first).toBe(false) expect(last).toBe(false)})
Match url and return a string
. Protocol like https:// is required.
Given I read doc on http://github.comAnd I launch redis://localhost
Given('I read doc on {url}', (ctx : url: string) => { expect(url).toEqual('')})And('I launch {url}', (ctx : url: string) => { expect(url).toBe('redis://localhost')})
Match currency with built-in symbols and parsecurrency.
Given I have $200 in the bankAnd This item costs $2.5 or 3€
Given('I have {currency} in the bank', (ctx : currency: Currency) => { expect(currency).toEqual({ currency: 'USD', raw: '$200', value: 200, })})And("This item costs {currency} or {currency}", (ctx, first: Currency, second: Currency) => { expect(first).toEqual({ currency: 'USD', raw: '$2.5', value: 2.5, }) expect(last).toEqual({ currency: 'EUR', raw: '3€', value: 3, })})
Custom step expressions v4.0.0
vitest-cucumber provides defineParameterExpression
to define your own expression.
Example :
type Color = 'red' | 'blue' | 'yellow'
defineParameterExpression({ name: 'color', regexp: /red|blue|yellow/, transformer: (s) => s as Color,})
Given My favorite color is red
Given("My favorite color is {color}", (ctx, color : Color) => { expect(color).toBe('red')})