You can use Scenario
in Feature
and Rule
A Scenario
Feature: Improve my unit tests Scenario: Use vitest-cucumber in my unit tests Given Developer using feature file And Using vitest-cucumber When I run my unit tests Then I know if I forgot a scenario
Run Scenario Outline
import { loadFeature, describeFeature } from '@amiceli/vitest-cucumber'import { expect } from 'vitest'
const feature = await loadFeature('path/to/my/file.feature')
describeFeature(feature, ({ Scenario }) => { Scenario('Use vitest-cucumber in my unit tests', ({ Given, When, Then, And }) => { Given('Developer using feature file', () => {}) And('sing vitest-cucumber', () => {}) When('I run my unit tests', () => {}) Then('I know if I forgot a scenario', () => {}) })
Task context
In each step (Given
, Then
, etc.), you can access and use the Vitest TaskContext.
For example:
Given('Developer using feature file', (ctx) => { console.log( ctx.skip()})
vitest-cucumber will check:
- correct scenario names
- correct step names
- scenario is effectively called
- scenario steps are effectively called
Same thing if you use Example